Finally have the words to use when asking for your next collab

Get noticed and taken seriously with a stand-out pitch that took just minutes for you to tailor to your brand!

Ready to get in front of new audiences and new customers? You'll have all the heavy lifting done for you. These templates are ready to go for you!

STOP feeling like you don't know what to say, or how to ask for that thing you want.



Take the guesswork out of pitching with these done-for-you templates. In just minutes, you'll be confidently pitching yourself to speak, collaborate, and GROW your business. 

Powerful pitch templates that are clear and kind (so you can go after the thing you want most!)

Yes, this is exactly what i need!

e-mail templates

Let's get you into new rooms and collaborating so you can spread your impact and your message. 

With PitchPower Templates you will finally

Know EXACTLY what to say so your email gets opened and noticed instead of quickly forgotten.

Learn the 5 essential elements of a powerful pitch and how to weave it into your emails so that yours is irresistible.

Have the tools to pitch yourself to speak on stages, podcasts and summits so your message is heard! 

Get the same AWESOME opportunities you see other's in your industry getting like podcast guesting, speaking in summits, 
collaborating with brands, and more!

Get your business seen by more people!

say no more, I'm in

Take a peek at the templates and strategies you get inside PitchPower Templates...

I created these templates because time and time again I see incredible women entrepreneurs feel STUCK when it comes to visibility aspects of business...It's time for you to say GOODBYE to playing small. Let's get pitching!  


5 Essential elements of Pitching

A masterclass training where I share the 5 crucial elements of an effective pitch that will convey your idea without feeling icky! In this video, you will have the building blocks for better pitches - whether it's a podcast pitch, brand collaboration, or asking someone to join you for a giveaway! 



Ready to start speaking?

If you have ever wondered, How do I start speaking on podcasts or on stages? What do I say?  I've got you covered. You'll find ready-to-use templates specific to pitching yourself to be a guest on podcasts, or to speak in summits and on stages.



Grow through collaboration

Looking for a way to collaborate with others? Templates in this section include: pitching for brand deals, asking others to join you for a giveaway, and asking a fellow business owner to join you for an instagram live chat. 



Don't let not having the words stop you 

In this section, you'll have templates for reaching out to journalists and publications to get press coverage. Grow your visibility and your impact by having your message shared. 


Leave playing small behind, for good.

No more feeling unseen, and unnoticed in your business!!

STOP waiting on and putting off those new opportunities simply because you don't have the words to ask. 

NO more watching everyone else get the speaking gigs, interviews, and brand deals while you *wish* you could join in and share your message too.

immediately yes

Let's get Pitching. See you inside.

$89 $49

You get immediate access to:

✅  11 customizable e-mail templates for pitching

✅  Video training: 5 keys to successful pitching by Joy Michelle 

✅  Template PDF download & Google Doc Template Version


Limited time discount!

When I saw how small business owners struggled because they didn't have the words or confidence to pitch, I knew I wanted to help.

Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

I’m Joy, your resident visibility strategist, Podcast host, multi-passionate entrepreneur 

Why Pitching? Well, to me, the pitch is what starts every new opportunity. I've been called "lucky" when really I just knew how and who to ask for what I wanted. So, why not make your own luck? 

When you learn to confidently ask for what you want, a whole new world of business will open up to you.

I've spoken in summits, masterminds, and on dozens of podcasts. I've been interviewed and featured in major publications like Adorama and the Huffington post! 

I can't wait to hand you the tools so you can be both compelling and confident in asking for what you want.


Ready to step into your visibility era? 

From podcast pitching to brand collaborations, I will teach you the strategies and formula to ask for what you want in a way that is clear and kind.

I need this now

This template pack is
for you if…

You are a personal brand, service-based creative, coach, or aspiring influencer. 

You want to get into new rooms and speak on stages or podcasts!

You want to collaborate and work with new people to share your message!

You want to learn how to craft a pitch that doesn't feel icky! 

This template pack is
for you if…

You don't run your own business

You do not want to speak on podcasts and/or stages, or get brand deals or collaborate with others. 

You are looking for someone to do the pitching for you.

You do not want to learn to get press, speaking, or collaboration opportunities. 

See you inside.

Join the program today

I truly believe in PitchPower Templates and how they can help you achieve greater visibility. 

This is a digital product and you will get immediate access to the program and templates. Because of the nature of digital products, this is non refundable.

If you have any questions about this amazing product you can email me at