let's grow the business of your dreams.

Creatives Build
Businesses They            

I’m Joy Michelle and I help


I'm a multi-passionate entrepreneur with a love for photography and a flair for helping fellow creatives turn their dreams into reality. You might know me as Joy Michelle online, the woman behind Photoboss® and the host of the Called to Both podcast.

For 8 incredible years, I had the privilege of capturing the love and joy (and all the crazy in-between) as a wedding photographer. But as my passion for photography grew, so did my desire to help others achieve their dreams. That's when I took a leap and founded Photoboss®.

Ready to live your "both" Life?
both the business & the babies.
Both the creative career & the profitable one.
both passion and purpose.

Hey there, I'm Joy Michelle but you can call me Joy.

I'm living proof that you can have it all – a thriving business, a fulfilling career, and a family life that brings you endless joy. As a mom of two amazing kids, I understand the juggling act that comes with being a creative entrepreneur. That's why I've designed a business that allows me to follow my passions while spending quality time with my loved ones. I work smart, not hard, putting in 20 hours a week to make the magic happen.


more about joy...

Joy in a Nutshell

Let’s Get to know each other

Now for the important stuff!! These are some of my favorite things...

currently sustained by 

TACOS + Margaritas 

dream vacation 

anywhere tropical with drink service + guac...all the guac

on my nighstand 

2 Promptly journals (One for each of my kiddos)

never say no to

coffee or bubble tea

on repeat 

business podcasts

number one fan

the office


Nothing makes you prioritize what is truly important like becoming a mother. Building a business that not only pays my bills but gives me time-freedom is a non negotiable for me.

I believe you shouldn't have to choose between the two. Feel called to both growing a business and motherhood? If so, I have a feeling we're going to be great friends.

business should serve your life


My favorite things

take a closer look at

For both life and biz

I love sharing the resources that help me run my business smoothly. From softwares to books, you can find all my favorites here! 




Ever wish you had a group of photographers who "get it" to do this whole business thing with? Today is that day.

community & edu. 

Become a PhotoBoss®

Step 03


Grab your headphones & some coffee because you're going to want to binge-listen to these episodes about business and life.

called to both

Tune into the weekly podcast

Step 02


Explore the coaching programs, courses, and ways to work with Joy to grow your visibility and your income.

Coaching + Programs

Explore the ways to work together

Step 01

I offer business coaching for creatives & photographers, as well as courses and tons of free content on my podcast and youtube channel. I'd love to connect!

Let's get you the good stuff.

How can we work together?

melissa g.

To anyone hesitant to invest, the only regret you will have is not taking advantage of Joy's programs. As someone who has been doing this for over 11 years, I will tell you with 100% certainty that the greatest growths I've had in my business have always been a result of investing in myself through education. 

"let me just tell you...You WILL grow!"

view next testionial

dahlia o.

I gained confidence (to show up online!), booked new clients, & I doubles my prices. I'm so glad I took the leap to work with Joy. She doesn't gate keep a single thing. For someone considering investing I'd say, "What are you waiting for?!" 

Here were my 3 biggest wins...

view next testionial








Called To Both is the podcast for women who are building both the business AND the life of their dreams. On this podcast Joy Michelle will be sharing binge-worthy and bite-sized episodes on branding and marketing, balancing business and life, and interviewing incredible women who have grown both a business and family at the same time.

The experience you create for your photography clients has the ability to help you stand out, get booked, and STAY booked solid. Join me for this 21 min class to hear my 3 secrets!

3 Secrets To A Client Experience That Keeps You Booked Solid!

Watch now

Free Class


Grab our free guide for marketing secrets and step-by-step ways to get visibility so you can book more dream brides!

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