For the ambitious photographer ready to scale


Your next level
is waiting

Let's take that thing you're REALLY good at and turn it into a profitable & successful photography business. 

YOU DON't HAVE TO BUILD your business alone

(like, one that actually pays your bills!)


1:1 Photography Business Coaching

You started your business to be creative and make an impact, but it's not where you want it to be and now it's pulling you from other aspects of your life. 

I created this coaching program for ambitious photographers that are ready to build both a profitable business that can allow their dream lifestyle, and still live with balance and alignment in their off-hours.

The Accelerator Program is a 1:1, customized photography business coaching program unique to your journey.

Want to stop feeling like you're throwing spaghetti in business, and move with more confidence and clarity? I want to invite you to book a free 20 min call today.

your growth is kind of my thing

Photography Business coach

I'm sure you're great to talk to, but instead of having those business conversations out loud with yourself (or is that just me?) you'll get someone new replying back.

You get unlimited message access via Voxer to bounce ideas, and share your progress.  I'm also available to review  any work you create (like blog content) and give you live feedback on your social media. 


Sometimes the most overwhelming part of business is simply not knowing what to focus on next and where to spend your time....but now you have a game plan and the clarity to get it done.

Throughout the Accelerator program, you'll have action steps clearly outlined so you know what you should be working on to help your business thrive.

Accountability & Action Steps

My one on one coaching as been described as the perfect combination of loving yet zero-fluff business strategy. I am 100% invested in your success and that means I'm going to tell you what you need to hear and how to grow (and not just basic tips!)

You'll get 1:1 calls to deep dive into your business, brainstorm strategies, and craft your next steps so you know EXACTLY what to do next in your business. 

High-impact 1:1 Coaching

the details

I'm so glad you asked

What's Accelerator Coaching?


Tara C.

Joy is totally an open book for everything you will want to know. Which I think is so rare to find in this business. Unlike many people in this industry, Joy shares all her secrets. Like she says on her site, she really is your business bestie!

I could not have spent better money in my business and I'm SO glad I did.

view next testionial

Yesenia B.

I hired Joy for her accelerator coaching program and it was very eye-opening. I was freshly out of my 9-5 job, I wanted to go full-time with photography, and I needed the help and guidance of someone who had done that. 

If you're ready to take your business to that next step but don't know how to do that, consider a coach

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stephanie a.

Before working with Joy, I was having trouble finding clients, converting client calls, showing up on social media, blogging, and knowing who my target clients are. She really helped me find who my target audience is, and taught me how to repurpose content in different ways. I am now nailing client calls and booking more! 

Working with Joy was amazing!! 

view next testionial

My favorite part was how supportive Joy was. I don't open up about my business too often because I'm afraid of people tearing my business to pieces (even though critiques are essential to grow). Joy was gentle and positive when talking about where I was at and was encouraging when we talked about what I could do differently. 

 I knew I needed help to grow.

view next testionial

lauren b.


profit. brand. marketing. portfolio. 

The Coaching Method

brand + website

profitability + workflows

gear + portfolio

marketing + Visibliity

What makes my business coaching different? 

There's a lot of information out there about growing a photography business, but what's missing is how to build a business that serves your life. I'm not going to tell you to work every single weekend, barely sleep and miss out on moments that matter most. It is possible to be a photographer, be profitable, and skip the hustle.

Are you ready for a Profitable business that serves you? Let's do this! 



Book a free call

Listen to real past clients 

Stay connected. Stay Motivated.

our COACHING ISN'T LIMITED TO OUR scheduled CALLS-  Voice + Message support is included in all 1:1 programs.


Ready for massive clarity? Take action and watch your business up level with this 2 week private coaching experience. 

  • 1 (90 min) coaching call (recorded for replay) With Joy Michelle
  • Detailed action steps from Joy
  • 1:1 Voxer support with Joy for the duration of your coaching session period

The 2 Week "Sprint"

Private coaching option

Book a free call

Looking for in-depth business coaching and massive results? The 3 month accelerator is just the ticket.

  • 3 (1 hour) private coaching calls (recorded for replay) With Joy Michelle
  • 1:1 Voxer support with Joy for the duration of your coaching period
  • A custom website and social media audit (video recording) 
  • Detailed action steps from Joy
  • Private coaching portal

3 Months
Private Coaching


Ready to get started?

or, fill out the contact form˃


You have the desire to get seen and increase your visibility online.  

You want to be an industry leader and build brand authority. 

Building a balanced and profitable business is a top priority for you.

Accelerator Coaching IS FOR YOU IF

This is for you if you are an ambitious business owner with a desire for MORE. Greater profit margins, more impact, and more alignment. You are looking for strategies for a sustainable way to run your business.

Are we the perfect fit?


Let's Celebrate that!

coaching client wins

rachel b.

I usually want to quit my photography business about once every 6 weeks but since working together I feel clarity and confidence for the first time.

Apply For Coaching

I can't wait to hear from you!
 If you’ve filled out this form and haven’t heard from us in a 2 days, please email directly:


Each week you'll find a new episode to guide you in your journey as a small business owner. Whether you're just starting a business or scaling to new heights - there's something for you. I share on topics like visibility marketing, personal brand authority, balancing motherhood and business, and the nitty gritty of what it actually takes to build a business that pays you. 

With 3 Million views

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The YouTube Channel

Read the post

while also boosting ease and engagement.

5 Tips for Mastering Content Creation

The Blog


Felipe flips the mic on me in celebration of 1 year of podcasting.

My Husband Interviews ME


What would it look like if you could be seen as the go-to expert in your field?

How to be Seen as the go-to Expert 


The steps to crafting a plan for consistently getting seen.

Creating a Visibility Plan For your Business

The experience you create for your photography clients has the ability to help you stand out, get booked, and STAY booked solid. Join me for this 21 min class to hear my 3 secrets!

3 Secrets To A Client Experience That Keeps You Booked Solid!

Watch now

Free Class


Grab our free guide for marketing secrets and step-by-step ways to get visibility so you can book more dream brides!

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