Mastering Content Creation: 5 Expert Tips to Boost Ease and Engagement

Content creation can be a time-consuming, yet valuable marketing strategy in your business. After years of creating content, I’m sharing 5 tips to boost ease and engagement with your content! Listen in as I share the secrets I’ve found to mastering content creation as a business owner!

Called to Both is brought to you by Joy Michelle, mom of two and multi-passionate entrepreneur who’s on a mission to help others find balance between the worlds of motherhood and business. Called to Both is the podcast for women who have big business ambitions and also want to be intentional and present moms. At Called to Both, we truly don’t believe you have to choose between these two worlds tugging at your heart You can be Called to Both.

You can stay up to date with the Called to Both Podcast by subscribing on Apple Podcast App, Spotify, or your favorite podcast player!

Before we dive into today’s episode, I wanted to share about The Messy Success Podcast by my friend Elizabeth Henson. The Messy Success Podcast combines business tips with real life experiences of being a creative entrepreneur. This podcast will leave you feeling confident, but it also normalizes the day-to-day struggles we all experience as business owners. Make sure that you find Elizabeth’s podcast on your favorite podcast player and give it a listen!

Mastering Content Creation

I’ve been in business for almost 10 years. And in that time, I’ve created content very consistently in all sorts of different mediums: blogging since 2013, creating Youtube videos since 2017, and publishing podcast episodes since 2022.

Thanks to the power of content, I’ve not had to rely on paid advertising for my business or brands. When you’re creating content, your goal is to hold people’s attention with your content. You want them to be engaged so that the right people stick with us and eventually do business with us.

5 Expert Tips to Boost Ease and Engagement

While it’s important to master your content creation process, it’s also valuable to highlight that content is more time-consuming than ever. So anything we can do to make this process faster and more effective is what we want in our lives. I’m sharing 5 expert tips to boost ease and engagement through your content creation process.

Use a Content Writing or Outline Template

I truly believe that incorporating a template into your content creation process will allow you to create more content with ease without sacrificing quality. This is the framework of what your template could look like: Hook, Intro, Core Message, CTA, Outro.

I create all of my content inside of a template like this in Notion. The template takes the guesswork out of the process, which will guide you based on the goal of your content. You can even put prompts in your content: what is my unique take on this topic or what other content of mine does this connect with or relate to?

Think About the Type of Content YOU Consume

The second thing to consider that will help you make content faster is to think about the content you consume. I often overthink the content I create, forgetting to look at my own behavior and asking “what did I find interesting or funny here?

The best thing you can do in your consumption process is to simply track it and find new ways of re-creating it for your own content. A great example of this is consuming content that isn’t overly produced, yet I often think I need my videos and reels to have an insane production value. That’s not the reason I love the content I consume—it’s the person I’m consuming from, their realness, insight, and recommendations.

Add Your Own Insight

As you’re creating content, think about your own unique take, insight, or story on the topic. By adding your own insight, you’re connecting with your audience by sharing who you are! You can add this idea to your template to ensure that you’re digging into this question when creating! Your audience wants your take on the subject, not simply something that they could find from anyone else. This makes your content richer.

Become a Student of the Platform You are Building Content On

One thing that is often overlooked by content creators is the concept of becoming a student of the platform you’re creating. Whether that is Youtube, blogs, or podcasts—make sure you’re constantly learning from that platform. The more you understand about the rules, intention, and user behavior on a platform, the more natural your content will come.

You’ll also learn the best place to put your content, whether that’s due to visuals, audio, or text. You could even play around with blending the mediums to accommodate different learning preferences.

Add Images, Stats, and Enrichment to the Content

The final tip is to add images and enrichment to the content you’re sharing. The idea behind this is to make your content a little extra through data points, personal stories, screenshots, links, supporting quotes, or real-life applications—this makes the content more interesting.

The next time you go to create a new piece of content, here is a quick checklist to follow:

  • Did I follow the core framework for the content?
  • Did I add my own take to the content?
  • Am I abiding by the platform’s needs?

By implementing these ideas and the tips above, you’ll create more content with ease! If you haven’t built a content marketing strategy, make sure you listen to episode 33 where I talk all about content marketing and choosing the platform that works best for you.

If you’re enjoying the content we’re creating on the podcast and want to connect with others who are called to both, make sure you come join us in the Called to Both Facebook Group!

Mentioned in This Episode:

The Messy Success Podcast

Episode 4: Affiliate Marketing

Episode 33: Content Marketing

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