My Husband Interviews Me to Celebrate 1 Year of Podcasting 🎉

It’s been a full year of podcasting here on Called to Both! To celebrate, my husband Felipe, is joining me for a conversation about our journey, my business, and what it looks like to be called to both. Listen in as he asks me some of your questions (and his own), but then answers some of my own questions about being married to an entrepreneur!

Called to Both is brought to you by Joy Michelle, mom of two and multi-passionate entrepreneur who’s on a mission to help others find balance between the worlds of motherhood and business. Called to Both is the podcast for women who have big business ambitions and also want to be intentional and present moms. At Called to Both, we truly don’t believe you have to choose between these two worlds tugging at your heart You can be Called to Both.

You can stay up to date with the Called to Both Podcast by subscribing on Apple Podcast App, Spotify, or your favorite podcast player!

Meet Felipe

To celebrate one year of podcasting, my husband, Felipe, joins me in our first official online debut collaboration to interview me for the podcast! Felipe has always played a vital role behind the scenes in my business from second shooter to financial advisor. As my biggest supporter, I thought having him interview me with questions from himself and my audience would be a celebratory way to collaborate!

How Spouses Can Support Their Partner in Business

While Felipe has been my biggest supporter in business, I do think there are two main ways in how he supported me in the last ten years that has been the most impactful.

The first was an emotional piece of holding space for my dreams even before there was proof of success in these dreams. Business starts with a crazy idea—he sat there and watched me come up with these dreams and allowed me to chase them.

The second was being the voice of reason in supporting and managing the books when needed in m business, but also finding ways to support in the day to day. Sometimes that’s understanding a weird work schedule and offering to take the kids so I can work, rather than just cheering me on from afar.

For the spouse who is married to a creative, one of the biggest opportunities for you to offer support for your spouse is to hold space for them to be creative and not provide proof or a dollar sign for every single idea right away. Simply stay supportive. most creatives are already battling an inner critic that is telling them they can’t do this, so to have a spouse believe in them rather than poking holes in their ideas, that will provide them with the support they need to succeed.

My Top Moment as a Mom

When I look at the day-to-day life that I live as a mom, one of my favorite things is to see my kids interacting with and loving each other. To know I created these two little humans and they love each other, it’s amazing.

Top Moment as a Creative

The first Christmas after launching the Photoboss Facebook group, one of my community members sent me an engraved wine bottle that said, “Thank you for all you do for Photoboss.” I’ve kept this bottle because of how much it means to me. There aren’t too many accolades as a small business owner and it’s hard to measure your success. Seeing Photoboss engraved by someone else made the impact I’m making real.

My Advice to Pregnant Joy

If I could sit down with a 9 month pregnant Joy, I would tell her a few things:

  • Your business will look so different in a few years, in ways you couldn’t imagine. Don’t hold it so tight because you’ll love it.
  • You can get so much done in so much less time and this baby isn’t going to ruin your business.

Essentially, you can be Called to Both and embrace it (then make a podcast about it).

Going from One Child to Two as a Business Owner

As a business owner, I’ve found that the more variables you add, the more complicated it can be to find time to work. Whereas with one child, when she took a nap, I could easily jump into work. With two kids, there’s an added layer of complexity in that it may not work out that way.

Since having one child changed so much in my business, I have learned to simply accept that things won’t always go as planned and things need to be flexible! I also have to ask for more help.

The Transition Into Entrepreneurship

When Felipe and I got married, I was not an entrepreneur. He got to watch this business build from an idea—whether he was expecting it or not. Humbly, he says I made it easy on him by finding success in what I was doing.

Additionally, we had put a lot of faith and trust in each other in our early years, especially when we were first engaged and married. That trust fell into everything we did from there on, meaning when I started this business and even pivoted into education, he trusted that I would make it work.

What It’s Like Being Married to an Entrepreneur

One of the most valuable lessons Felipe has learned in being married to an entrepreneur is that when I bring ideas to him, I’m looking for a dreamer, not a fixer. I want someone who will be excited, supportive, and dream with me, whereas, he as my husband sometimes feels the need to help get me to the next step. He has to put that role to the side and simply dream with me.

Does my husband ever wish I’d go get a job working for someone else?

The simple and quick response: no. This role as an entrepreneur provides so much more than just a financial opportunity for us. There is flexibility in our day-to-day lives that provides freedom for us. Additionally, it allows a spouse to see another side of you when you’re pouring into others.

If you’re enjoying the content we’re creating on the podcast and want to connect with others who are called to both, make sure you come join us in the Called to Both Facebook Group!

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