It’s so fun to collaborate with other brands and businesses, but what goes into that? Community leader, Danielle Wiebe of Business Babes Collective joins us to talk about making big business decisions, exploring collaborations and connections, and how to handle rejections from your pitches!
Called to Both is brought to you by Joy Michelle, mom of two and multi-passionate entrepreneur who’s on a mission to help others find balance between the worlds of motherhood and business. Called to Both is the podcast for women who have big business ambitions and also want to be intentional and present moms. At Called to Both, we truly don’t believe you have to choose between these two worlds tugging at your heart You can be Called to Both.
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Exploring Business Collaborations
While entrepreneurship can feel lonely, there are communities created to help support you through this journey. Danielle Wiebe runs the global community Business Babes Collective, which is a community for female entrepreneurs based in the concept of collaboration and community. This collective held in-person meetups with chapters throughout North America, but when 2020 happened, so many things changed, forcing Danielle to explore new pathways and make big business decisions.
Making Decisions
Like many of us experienced, there was a forced halt in 2020 for our businesses. For Danielle and Business Babes Collective, this mean that 80% of their revenue that came from events was now gone. Therefore, in the fall of 2020, they hosted a virtual conference through a collaboration of chapter leaders. While it was a success on paper, she quickly realized that she had grown accustomed to working at a high capacity and she didn’t know how to slow down.
After that event, she realized she needed to work differently because the way she had been wasn’t sustainable long-term. This meant having conversations with the people closest to her, praying about next steps, and being really intentional.
She sat down and thought through where she wanted to be in the next ten years; that’s when she made some big pivots:
- Danielle launched a podcast: Business Babes Collective Podcast
- She turned her live program into a passive course:
- She expanded her mastermind:
These three changes helped to build a foundation for the business, that ultimately let to the freedom to host a large in-person event. With the sustainable and recurring revenue from these income streams, she was able to focus more time and intentionality into building this event.
Building Connections
The Business Babes Collective stands as a way to collaborate and build connections. In society (and especially in the entrepreneurial industry), we’re taught to see other businesses as competition, yet each of us run our businesses and serve our customers in different ways. We often think in a scarcity mentality but it’s important that we shift to abundance mentality—as there is enough work for everyone. The Business Babes Collective intentionally focuses on building community and lifting others up.
When looking at networking with and even collaborating with others, it’s important that you’ve built a connection and explore strategic collaborations. You can do this through asking yourself the following questions about potential collaborations:
- So you share values with each other?
- Can the collaboration be mutually beneficial?
- Have you built trust with this person?
These simple questions will help guide you in determining if a collaboration is the right fit for you.
Handling Rejections: Pitches Come with Rejections
The more you’re looking to collaborate, either on a podcast, a business endeavor, or something else, the more often you’re going to hear no. We all get rejected—the more you’re rejected, the more success you’ll find.
Before you get upset or emotional, this is your reminder that a rejection isn’t about you. It may not be the right fit or the right timing for the other party. If you do continue to hear rejections, take a look at how you’re pitching brands and make sure that you’re making it more about the other person than all about yourself. This means personalizing pitches with names, researching the brand, and pitching for the other person’s benefit.
3 Tips for Strategic Collaborations
Now, if you’re ready to pursue collaborations, here are a three tips to consider for your next strategic collaboration:
- Make a collaboration list. When you find, hear of, see a brand you like, add them to the list along with all information.
- Research the brand. Knowing the details, mission, etc of the brand you are pitching is so important in ensuring that you’re a right fit for each other.
- Craft your pitch. Personalization and customization of pitches can make or break the answers you get from the brand. Be intentional in crafting your pitches.
Within our interviews on Called to Both, I’ll be asking each guest a series of rapid fire questions about being called to both! Check out Danielle’s answers to my rapid fire questions below:
What does called to both mean to you? Danielle always wanted to be a mom and an entrepreneur, but at times she’s struggled with it. It’s encouraging to see others do it by being a mom and pursuing something they love with freedom and flexibility.
What is one thing that has surprised you about motherhood? The number of things that have come naturally to Danielle has surprised her the most.
What is one tool/tip that has helped you thrive? Finding other people who are doing similar things (being a mom and an entrepreneur) to build a community so that you’re not alone has helped Danielle thrive in her life and business. Secondly, asking for help and support from friends and family is so valuable.
What is the last book you read or podcast you listened to? Dream Big by Bob Goff and Systemize Your Life by Chelsea Joe
What is something that you’re excited about? Continuing to pursue the life she’s in and collaborating with others while being a present mom.
If you’re enjoying the content we’re creating on the podcast and want to connect with others who are called to both, make sure you come join us in the Called to Both Facebook Group!
Connect with Danielle:
Business Babes Collective Podcast
Instagram @danilivinglife
Instagram: @businessbabesco
Connect with Joy:
Instagram: instagram.com/joyymichelle
Youtube: youtube.com/channel/UC-Ou6jRKxcjMrVMxWxLO_fQ
Facebook: facebook.com/joymichellephotography
If you decide to use any of the links above and buy through them, I’ll receive a small commission back. All of those affiliate income commissions really add up over time and help generate revenue to help support this podcast.

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