How Getting Accountability in Your Business Will Lead to Growth

Is there something keeping you from hitting your goals or allowing you to grow at the pace you expect? You might be missing accountability in your business. In this episode, I’m sharing all about the value of accountability, investing in your growth, and a few specific paths to get there.

Called to Both is brought to you by Joy Michelle, mom of two and multi-passionate entrepreneur who’s on a mission to help others find balance between the worlds of motherhood and business. Called to Both is the podcast for women who have big business ambitions and also want to be intentional and present moms. At Called to Both, we truly don’t believe you have to choose between these two worlds tugging at your heart You can be Called to Both.

You can stay up to date with the Called to Both Podcast by subscribing on Apple Podcast App, Spotify, or your favorite podcast player!

Today’s episode is brought to you by Honeybook! HoneyBook is the client management software that I’ve been using for years to send contracts, get paid, and keep track of all of my client inquiries and projects. Inside of HoneyBook, I can see at a glance exactly where my projects are in a timeline! I love that I can use this for sending questionnaires, setting up recurring invoices, and book calls through their built in scheduler tool and so much more! You can try Honeybook for 50% off today with the link below!

Accountability is Key to Success in Business

Anytime I see growth in my business, I can almost always track it back to investing in education in my business. One of the key pieces of growth comes down to accountability—that accountability for me has come from mentors. Here are three things I want you to consider if you’re thinking about hiring a business coach or finding accountability in your business:

  • When you tell someone else your goals, it’s less likely to feel alone in the goal
  • When you share your goals with someone else, it’s likely they will bring it up again and ask you how it’s going
  • When you bring someone else into your business, in any capacity, you get to benefit from their ideas and encouragement too.

How to Get Accountability in Your Business

So, now it’s time to get accountability in your business. When you share your goals with someone else, it’s likely that they’re going to check in on you and ask you how they’re going! Bringing someone else into your business in any capacity, allows you to benefit from their ideas and their encouragement.

Three ways to find accountability in your business include Peer to Peer Masterminds, Group or 1 on 1 Business Coaching, and Conferences and Workshops.

Peer to Peer Masterminds

One of the first ways is through a peer to peer mastermind; this is oftentimes unpaid. You can pull together a group of friends or colleagues who understand business.

One thing I love about my own peer to peer mastermind is that we’re all women from very different industries with different perspectives. Consider this when choosing your mastermind and how it can really grow you in different ways.

Group + 1:1 Business Mentorship / Coaching

Another way to earn accountability in your business is through coaching or mentorships; this could be group coaching or 1 on 1 mentorships. Accountability is arguably the biggest benefit of accountability, because it is what they’re being paid for. When considering the difference, group coaching is great for community and camraderie!

If you’re a photographer, make sure you check out our Photoboss Group Coaching Method Program! This intimate group coaching program will last 8 weeks and transform your photography business!

Conferences and Workshops

The final way you can gain accountability is through conferences and workshops. From education through informational talks and hands on workshops, you can really grow when you put in the work! If a conference you want to attend but can’t offers a virtual ticket, you should absolutely check it out! To ensure accountability, grab a biz bestie to do an online conference with you!

Two Keys to Accountability

I believe there are two key elements to invest in your business or yourself and to get accountability in your business:

  • Time
  • Money

In regards to money, something happens in your mind when you press “buy” on something—you’re set on doing it. I believe there is a direct correlation between the amount of time and money that you put into something and the outcome that you get!

If you’re enjoying the content we’re creating on the podcast and want to connect with others who are called to both, make sure you come join us in the Called to Both Facebook Group!

Mentioned in This Episode:

Photoboss Group Coaching Method Program

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