Email Marketing for Photographers

Welcome to part two of email marketing for photographers. 💌  Last week, we covered the benefits of email marketing, why it’s something you should be thinking about in your business, and softwares I recommend for getting started. This week I’m giving you the best way to get people to subscribe to your email list, and what to actually send them once they’re on your list. We’ll be covering how this can lead to more sales in your photography business.

Email Marketing for Photographers

So You’re All Set Up… Now What?

You did it! You’re all set up on your email marketing platform/service/software, you’re ready to get those subscribers…. now what? How do you get people to join your list?

Well, when I first started my email list, I started by going onto social media, my Instagram and my Facebook, and I basically said: “Hey, I’m starting a newsletter, you should sign up to receive it!” Low and behold, I quickly realized that those who subscribed were just a few close friends and my mom. 

I realized I needed a better tactic. I needed something that was really going to entice people to subscribe. And, I needed something that was going to give people value!

Create A Lead Magnet Or Freebie 

You want to create a digital piece of value – an email template, a PDF, a checklist of some kind – to incentivize your audience to get on your list. 

I have seen photographers do this in a number of ways! Some examples of a freebie to create as a lead magnet for your photography business are:

  • A Timeline 
  • A Guide for what couples can wear for their session
  • Tips for looking your best in front of the camera

Basically, anything that will help your ideal, potential clients get one step closer to choosing you as their photographer is a great idea for a lead magnet!

Offer Something of Value

Think about what would get you to sign up for someone’s email list. Would you blindly hand your email address over if you didn’t think you would be gaining some insight of value? Of course you wouldn’t!

It helps to really put yourself in your ideal client’s shoes. What questions do they have and what problems are they facing? Most importantly, what could you give them to bring them closer to working with you?

What Should You Be Sending Your Audience

Once you have a few subscribers, you might be wondering an email marketing strategy. What should you send them? How can you keep engaging with them so they don’t immediately unsubscribe?

The first thing I would do is immediately welcome them to your list. You also want to give them some expectations. Let them know:

  • How often will you send email campaigns and they will hear from you
  • What kind of content to expect from you
  • And let them know why they should stay subscribed
  • PRO TIP: You can offer exclusive offers of early bird announcements to your email list to incentivize subscribers to STAY on your list!

Nurture Sequence

When you welcome people to your email list, this can be done beautifully in a series of emails called a nurture sequence. A Nurture sequence first welcomes your audience to the list, gives them the promised free value, and then continues to let them get to know you and your business! 

One thing you can do to value pack your nurture sequences is repurpose some of your best blog content in your email marketing efforts. Link some of your best, most helpful blog posts or videos in your emails to keep them engaged. 

Continue To Provide Value

I like to send an email out to my list about once a week. And every week I give them:

  • Tips and  Tricks on how to grow a profitable photography business
  • How to stand out in a saturated market
  • Early releases to all of my products and services

It is super important to let your subscribers hear from you regularly and to keep providing valuable information to them. 

Do you currently have an email list for your photography business? Let me know over in my PhotoBoss Facebook Group!


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