How I Grew My Photography Business!

In today’s video, I am going to be talking about all things game changers in my photography business! There have been a NUMBER of resources, educators, mindset shifts, gear, and more that have radically impacted me and my business! I’m so very excited to dive into a ton of my favorites today! There are also a number of products linked below for you to see! These are affiliate links too so if you do purchase through that link then I will receive some money back but I never recommend anything I don’t wholeheartedly believe in! Can’t wait to hear how you enjoy this post!

How I Grew My Photography Business!

Game Changer #1: Experiences

  • Second Shooter- I second shot for a couple of different wedding photographers pretty consistently. I shot 10-15 weddings with that same photographer in that first year so while I was booking my own clients, I was also working with them. This was hugely valuable for working with the camera in my hand but also seeing how other photographers work and the timeline for the day.
  • Shooting for Free- I shot individuals, families, friends, etc, and it allowed me to get truly comfortable with posing people and get my feet we into the industry without charging people just yet. If you do not have any kind of portfolio, do not just jump in with charging people if you do not have any experience with couples. Do it for free so you can gain the experience without the pressure of the paying client and all those expectations.
  • Business Workshop- I attended the workshop called Business Essentials and doing this early on really set me up for success and help me grow my business. My goal in photography was not just to put out beautiful work but to provide for my family and bring home a paycheck. 

Game Changer #2: Equipment

  • Full Frame Camera Body– Personally, I wanted to shoot weddings and I wanted to shoot portraiture and in low light without too much noise. I struggled to bring to life what was in my head until I purchased a full frame camera body. 
  • 85 mm 1.4 lens– For me it was crucial that I have both the full frame camera and the 85mm 1.4 lens combo to really get the look I was going for. Getting this look really built my brand and moved me forward. 

Game Changer #3: Editing

  • Lightroom- I knew I needed to be using Lightroom over photoshop because I would be dealing with so many images! But I didn’t know how to use it so I took an editing class by Jared Platt that is so in depth and breaks down every area of Lightroom.

Game Changer #4: Software

  • Photo Mechanic- Before I had gotten photo mechanic, it would take ages to go through Lightroom to pull images. I have a video all about this software and it is linked below.
  • Honeybook- This is a Client Management software that I use to manage contracts, invoices, questionnaires, and all the back and forth with clients. I waited too long to get a Client Management system and it was just too overwhelming. I encourage you if you are going to have a photography business, get your Client Management system sooner rather than later. You can take 50% off your first year HERE!
  • Mile IQ– It tracks all my mileage and allows me to say what was for business and it itemizes everything for you so everything is easy to pull for taxes. 

Game Changer #5: Books

I have 3 books that completely changed the game for me in terms of mindset and business knowledge! They are by far some of the BEST resources! I also have an Amazon store HERE with a number of other book recommendations as well! 

Game Changer #6: Mindset

  • Everyone starts at 0– Looking at other photographers and others and realizing that everyone is human. When I first started, I had all these other people on pedestal and it was hard for me to imagine that I would be where they were one day. I started asking “Why not me?” and I think it was huge for my success. Your mindset going into business and your belief in yourself is incredibly impactful!
  • The Compound Effect– There is noting you can do once or twice that is going to change things for your business but something you do every single day that will be the most impactful for your business. In the long run, everything adds up and it took me a little while to gain momentum but I kept at it and I saw huge growth. 

If you decide to use any of the links above and buy through them, I’ll receive a small commission back. All of those affiliate income commissions really add up over time and help generate revenue to help support this channel


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