Tips for Photographing Wedding Rings

Frustrated by photographing the wedding rings? In today’s blog, I’m sharing my top tips for photographing the wedding rings on a wedding day. We’ll be covering everything you need from the gear and props, all the way through the settings you’ll want. And, I’ll also share some tips for getting the rings to stand up properly so you can get the best angles.

Tips for Photographing Wedding Rings

Tools You’ll Need

Before you can photograph wedding rings clearly & beautifully, you are going to need the right tools. Specifically, you are going to either need a macro lens or a macro filter. The reason for this is that every lens has a minimum focusing distance. With your regular prime lenses, like your 50mm or your 85mm, you will not be able to get as close to the rings as you need to get those beautiful ring images. 

If you cannot afford a macro lens, a macro filter is a fantastic and affordable option. A macro filter can convert virtually any portrait lens into a macro lens!

Setting Up The Wedding Rings

Next, you are going to want to set up the rings in a way that looks beautiful and desirable. 

PRO TIP: For YEARS, I have used Elmer’s Tac n’ Stik to stand wedding rings up in such a way, so I can get a very beautiful, specific composition that highlights certain details on the rings. Sometimes, you want to show off a certain diamond or inscription on the rings, and so this little hack will help you create the exact composition you’re looking for.

Find A Good Background

A beautiful background is crucial in helping the wedding rings POP in your photographs. I really love Replica Surfaces; they have backdrops that stand up into each other, and they’re an amazing option for gorgeous backdrops. You could also use the bouquet as a backdrop for the photographing the rings on the wedding day.

Use A Higher F Stop

When it comes to macro photography specifically, you always want to shoot at a higher F stop. This will give you the ability to get the prongs and the details of the image in focus, while the rest of the image is captured in a beautiful, soft way that isn’t distracting. 

I give a great example of how a higher F stop can really help you capture wedding rings as a wedding photographer in the Youtube video attached to thing blog, so feel free to check that out!

Get Really Close

Finally, when you’re photographing wedding rings, don’t be afraid to get really close to them! Every time I photograph wedding rings, I am extremely close to the rings and sometimes, I even crop in post production! 

I hope you found these tips especially helpful when it comes to taking better photographs of wedding rings! 

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