What is Hobby To Pro Toolkit?

This past week I released Hobby to Pro Toolkit, and I’m so excited. Being that I just finished the launch, I want to share a little bit about it with you. I know you’re probably thinking what is it, what’s included, and who is it for? Well, I have been anticipating this very moment and sharing more information about just that. So…let’s dive in about the investment and why this is going to change your business!

What is Hobby To Pro Toolkit?

Question #1: What is Hobby To Pro?

Hobby to Pro is a toolkit with proven tools, templates, resources, and checklists. It is is my response to the constant overwhelm. You can confidently take your photography business from a side hustle hobby to pro. This means becoming a professional, charging real prices, and making a profit.  

Question #2: What resources are included?

Creating resources can take up a huge chunk of your time. I want to keep you from worrying about time wasted on the back end. The toolkit begins with a checklist to make sure your business is getting off on the right foot, professionally and legally. You will learn how to set up and maintain your business with intention and strategy. You will also have access to all of the email templates I use in my business. In addition, you will receive various guides and workflows. 

Question #3: Who is Hobby To Pro for?

If you have a profitable, full-time, and established photography business, this isn’t for you, and that’s okay. This is for someone looking to get off the ground or who has been running a business for awhile and hasn’t seen momentum. You want guidance when it comes to systems, processes, and procedures. For any photographer out there wondering how to make the transition without siting behind a desk for 40+ hours a week, this was created for you! Solopreneurs doing all the things in their business will benefit from Hobby to Pro. You will learn how to get streamlined and give an excellent client experience.

If you’re still wondering if this is for you or have any questions, send me a DM on Instagram @joymichelle. My inbox is always open as well! You can contact me at joy@joymichelle.co. I’m so excited for you to check it all out and can’t WAIT to hear how it helps you in your business! 

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