Your Business Needs A “Power Hour”

If you’re like me and love hearing what others are doing with their time inside their business, today’s episode is for you! What can you get done in 60 minutes in your business? In today’s episode, I’m sharing a concept that has changed my work days—the power hour.

Listen in as I share about this concept, how I’m managing my time with timers, and how I build out my task list.

Called to Both is brought to you by Joy Michelle, mom of two and multi-passionate entrepreneur who’s on a mission to help others find balance between the worlds of motherhood and business. Called to Both is the podcast for women who have big business ambitions and also want to be intentional and present moms. At Called to Both, we truly don’t believe you have to choose between these two worlds tugging at your heart You can be Called to Both.

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The Business Power Hour

A “Power Hour” is your most productive hour ever where you’re taking all the tasks that can become time sucks and creep into your day at random times, and you’re going to batch them all together into a quick string of fast actions.

To get the most out of getting started with your Power Hour, make sure you grab my Power Hour template for Notion!

Why Have a Power Hour In Your Business

While there are a variety of ways you can use your Power Hour, let’s talk about why you need one. Below are three important reasons that I use a power hour in my own business and why I think you should in your business as well!

Time-Sucking Tasks Can Take Over In Your Business

There are lots of activities in our businesses that can be this time suck, which is a big reason to have a power hour. While these tasks are important, they can end up interfering with our work. In doing those during a power hour, we can ensure that our days are not a constant string of interruptions that feel like work but aren’t really moving the needle.

The Energy/Ambition Mismatch

Another reason that a Power Hour is so valuable in your business is that when you’re struggling with the energy/ambition mismatch experience that I mentioned in last week’s episode, this allows you to sit down, set a timer, and focus on the task at hand—especially when you’re going off of a checklist.

Handling Miscellaneous Tasks

You can gather a lot of the miscellaneous tasks in your business, so pulling them all into one time slot of handling them is a great use of your Power hour. For me, I like to do this at the end of the week! I’ll drop the tasks into Notion each week, then open that up on Fridays and handle them all at once.

What Should Go Inside Your Power Hour?

Everyone’s Power Hours will look different, but I do believe you should be looking at marketing and visibility tasks, along with social media tasks.

For my own business, this means responding to messages in comments on social media that you missed throughout the week. Additionally, you can post to Facebook groups and Google Business Listings.

When i’m creating this list of Power Hour tasks, I’m also setting an amount of time that I want to dedicate to each tasks within the one hour. I like to use a timer cube to track this, as it’s a fun game to get the work down during that time and also snap me out of focus and onto the next activity.

To get started with building out your Power Hour, make a list of all of the platforms that you want your business to be present on and make sure that they are represented during your Power Hour. This could be your Facebook Page, Pinterest, Instagram, TikTok, etc. You want to go into the Power Hour with intention—I have a full checklist on my Notion template, that you can grab here.

Review the Important Sections:

What is a Power Hour? (1:04)

Time-Sucking Tasks Can Take Over In Your Business (2:17)

Energy/Ambition Mismatch (3:05)

Handling Miscellaneous Tasks (3:44)

What Should Go Inside Your Power Hour? (4:12)

Time Cube (7:00)

Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Power Hour Template for Notion

Connect with Joy:




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