As a photographer, it is absolutely crucial to have a marketing strategy that works to get you more photography clients. No matter what genre of photography you are interested in, marketing will make or break your business. So, today I’m going to be giving you 5 marketing tips that you can try this week to get more photography clients. These tips will help to get fresh eyes on your content and book your ideal clients. If you feel like your business could use a little refresh, and you’d like fresh content on your website and social media platforms in order to attract new eyes – this video is for you!
5 Marketing Tips You Can Try This Week to Get More Photography Clients
Tip 1: Get an Updated Headshot
It’s important to have a recent headshot that you are really proud of and you feel accurately represents you and your brand! Having an updated headshot will allow you to refresh your website and social media and give you a change to post. This doesn’t have to be super complicated. And if you’d like to see how you can take these headshots yourself I have a video tutorial all about that HERE.
If you have headshots you love that are also recent, you will have great new content to share across social media channels. Even something simple, like sharing your headshot with an introduction on your Instagram or Facebook could give you the little extra traction that you need with your audience.
Tip 2: Update Your Website
Now that you have a new headshot, make sure your website is up-to-date! Take a look at your website with a set of fresh eyes! I like to review the copy and the overall text throughout the site to make sure it still reflects my brand. Any images that don’t shine can be removed and any new work that you have can take its place. Those small, but meaningful changes will make a big impact.
Tip 3: Update Your Instagram Bio
Periodically, you should be doing a bio refresh across your social media accounts. You want to look over your profile and ask yourself if everything is current to your business and the services you offer. When a potential client comes to your profile they should see a picture or two of you as well as these following things:
-Your name and how to get in touch with you
-What is the main genre that you photograph in your business?
-Your geographic location
Tip 4: The Coffee Date Challenge!
This tip may not be quick, but it is simple and one of my favorites. Ask 3 people to connect with you over coffee. This can either be in-person or virtually. Ask specific people you’d love to work with professionally or past vendors that you truly appreciate. Connections and relationships are STILL the best way to grow your business and gain referrals as a photographer.
Tip 5: Implement Video Into Your Marketing
Now, I’m not saying that you need to make a big production with lights and cameras. But, go live on your Instagram page or record a reel. Post something pre-recorded! The point here is to use video. The reach is incredible! I challenge you to implement this tip this week! For people to remember you, you’re going to have to do something that not everyone is willing to do. I noticed a huge shift in my own business when I pushed past my own fears of making video.
I hope these tips helped you to see how simple marketing can be and what’s possible with a few small changes! I’d love to hear what your favorite takeaway was from this video or what you were most challenged by. Leave a comment below and let me know!
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