7 Content Ideas to Boost Your Visibility & Brand Authority

Are you feeling stuck trying to figure out what to post that will generate visibility and brand authority for your business? In today’s episode, I’m sharing seven content ideas for boosting your visibility and brand authority. Save this episode to come back to because this is the episode for when you have “nothing to post” and need some ideas.

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Visibility and Brand Authority Ideas

Feeling invisible and unseen is so frustrating when you know your business and your service is life changing. Do you feel like you’re trying all the things but nothing is really working?

Maybe you’re thinking, “it’s a new week and I have NOTHING to post.” You know you need to get your business in front of new eyes in order to get leads and conversions, but:

  • What the heck do I post about?
  • What should I put on my instagram stories?
  • Is there a formula I can follow?
  • How can I make sure that my content is building my brand’s authority and credibility?

I need you to have your ideal client in mind. Everything we do in marketing we have to put through the lens of your ideal client. As you review these 7 content marketing and visibility boosting ideas, keep in ming the person you are hoping to reach and the thing you are wanting to offer them.

1. Use Your Social Proof as a Launching Point for a Piece of Content

I want you to consider a time you were featured or published, got an award, spoke on a podcast, or received a review. Pick one of those pieces of social proof to use as a piece of content. Once you decide what your starting piece is: expand on it. Share about the time it happened, what made it special, and why it’s important to you as a business owner.

2. Flip a Domino

For the next piece of content, I want you to get into the shoes of the person you’re hoping to attract. As yourself the following questions:

  • What is the problem your ideal customer needs you to solve before they are ready to work with you?
  • What is the thing stopping them?
  • What can you share that might help them make a small step forward?

Think of this as a domino that has to fall before they’re ready to book.

3. Answer a Question No One is Answering

The next idea I have for you is to answer a question in your niche no one else is willing to answer. Think of what others in your industry aren’t talking about! Tip: Consider what people would be searching to find this answer so you’re optimized for searches.

An example of this is one of my most popular blog posts and youtube videos was “What to do if it rains on your wedding day.” So many couples fear will happen on their wedding day, there is a large search volume behind the keywords/phrase, therefore it took off!

4. Share a Tool or Resource that Would Help Your Audience.

Your audience is consuming content for either entertainment or education. When you share tools and resources with your audience, it helps them to think of YOU as the expert and the guide on their problem. You also want your content to be seen as helpful and not just promoting or selling. By sharing educational information, it does offer more to your audience to help them trust you more.

If you’re sharing a tool that has an affiliate program, make sure you sign up for it and use the affiliate link. You can actually get paid to talk about the the things you love! You can learn more about how in my affiliate marketing jump start guide—its completely free!

5. Share Your Newest Piece of Content to Your Google Business Profile

The next content repurposing idea you should consider is sharing your content to your Google Business Profile. You can do this by visiting your Google Business Profile while logged into your Google account. Then click “add update” and you can create a post linking to your new piece of content!

6. Go Back to Your Email Newsletter and Press “Resend to Unopened”

Now, are you being strategic with your email marketing content? While social posts get swiped past, emails go unopened and deleted. It’s not necessarily because they’re not interested, but instead because they’re busy and overwhelmed in their inbox! By resending to unopens, you’re making a big impact with an easy task. By doing this, you’re giving your email a chance to be seen by those who didn’t open it the first time. While I don’t always do this, I do during times when I’m pushing for visibility (like during a promotion period).

Screen shot of email service provider showing "resend to unopened" which helps get more visibility

7. Go Live with Someone Else

If you’re looking to gain visibility on socials, going live with someone else gets you so much traction on your account! I like this the idea of going live, because when you go live you don’t have to edit—it’s a more in-the-moment type of content that allows your audience feel like they’re seeing you and getting to know you. With pre-planned and pre-written content types, it’s a lot more work for you! Plus, by including someone else in your content, it makes it easier to go in with less planning and more conversation.

Bonus: Tell 1 Piece of Your Business Origin Story

You know I love a good bonus tip. Now last week we talked about your brand and how your story is part of what makes you memorable and unique in your market. People love to hear an origin story, so consider telling one piece of your business’ origin story. Who was the first person to help you when you were growing your business? You can tell that story, thank them, but also collaborate with them!

These are a few simple ways you can gain visibility and boost your brand authority online! Which of these are you going to try? Make sure you head to Instagram and shoot me a DM to tell me!

If you’re enjoying the content we’re creating on the podcast and want to connect with others who are called to both, make sure you come join us in the PhotoBoss Facebook Group!

Find it quickly:

5:32 – Social proof

8:43 – Flip one domino

10:57 – Answer a question 

12:51 – Share a tool or resource

13:58 – Your Google Business profile 

15:06 – Resend to unopens 

15:49 – Go live with someone else

17:00  – Tell one piece of your story 

Mentioned in this Episode:

The Affiliate Marketing Jumpstart Guide

Connect with Joy:

Instagram: instagram.com/joyymichelle

Youtube: youtube.com/channel/UC-Ou6jRKxcjMrVMxWxLO_fQ

Facebook: facebook.com/joymichellephotography

Coach with Joy: joymichelle.co/coaching

If you decide to use any of the links above and buy through them, I’ll receive a small commission back. All of those affiliate income commissions really add up over time and help generate revenue to help support this podcast.

7 content ideas for visibility and brand authority

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