If you’re thinking about being a guest on more podcasts this year, you’re in the right place! In today’s episode, I’m sharing how to be a good podcast guest that is remembered and asked back! From creating a wonderful experience for the host, providing unique and valuable education to their listeners, and going above and beyond to stand out, it’s time to get visible through podcast guesting this year!
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3 Phases of Being a Stand Out Podcast Guest
Visibility through podcast guesting is so powerful, especially in the creative space. When you get to join someone’s show, you are getting in front of people who may listen to this person on a weekly basis, and have built trust and a relationship. Let’s walk through three phases of being a stand out podcast guest that will help you get visible this year.
Phase 1: The Pitch
As you begin to pitch yourself for podcasts, it’s important to bring a topic or two to the table with a full title and description of what you could share. This is helpful for the host to envision what you can provide for their audience.
Additionally, to go above and beyond, you can subscribe and leave a review before you submit. This is a great practice, especially if you’re doing your research on the episode and listening already.
One of the most important things to understand about pitching is to pitch in the way that the host wants to receive the pitches. For example, if they have an application form, don’t reach out a different way. Be very thoughtful in how you’re approaching these pitches and ensure that there is intention in them. In order to be intentional, you may want to focus on these tasks in your Power Hour, which you can learn more about in episode 6.
If you’re not sure how to craft your own pitch, make sure you get your hands on my PitchPower Email Templates.

Phase 2: The Podcast Recording
Once you’ve secured your guest appearance on a podcast, it’s time to get yourself ready for the recording.
Your audio quality is the biggest factor here that we have to get right before anything else. My number one tip is to use an external microphone (yes, even if you don’t have your own podcast). Bonus points for utilizing a nice web cam, but prioritize your audio first.
Podcasting Gear I Recommend:
- Shure MV7 Mic (What I use for the podcast currently)
- Logitech Blue Yeti Mic (I’ve used this for podcasting and courses)
- Logitech Web Cam
I also highly recommend using headphones to reduce any echo that might come through the speakers. Before you get on a podcast, test out your setup! You can do this in tools like Riverside, where it allows you to select your input and output.
In addition to your gear, it’s important to have things prepared to say, yet be flexible to having an open conversation. In many interviews, the conversation may take a different direciton than planned simply due to the spark of an idea or the mention of something you or the host says.
A lot of times the host will give you a set of questions they plan to ask, and you’ll notice they may not be able to get through them all, or your answer could be so interesting to the first or second question they want to linger there a bit. I find these interviews are the most interesting and an experienced host will be looking for those little opportunities to dive into something unplanned.
Take some time to get to know the show that you’re going to be on. When you understand the premise of the show and the audience, you’ll be able to better serve the audience.
Lastly, when it comes time to record, make sure you are on the recording link a few minutes early to give some buffer time to test out the gear, confirm your internet connection, and make any adjustments necessary.
Phase 3: Episode Promotion
Being a great guest extends beyond the recording—how well you promote an episode is so valuable to the host and they truly recognize your efforts. First and foremost, ask when the episode airs and make a note of that so you don’t miss it. While some guests will send you promotional assets, not all do, so you’ll want to keep an eye out so that you don’t miss it.
When it comes time to promote, post to social media, tag the host/podcast account, but also consider sharing it in some other places too. Your Facebook group, newsletter, or your own blog are other options that can drive listenership to the episode.
Why is this so important? When you share with your audience, oftentimes the host will see new listenership and a spike in data and know that it came from you sharing! When you are a guest on a podcast, you’re automatically getting visibility from that audience, so it’s good practice to do the same for that podcast host.
If you’re enjoying the content we’re creating on the podcast and want to connect with others who are called to both, make sure you come join us in the Called to Both Facebook Group!
Mentioned in this Episode:
Episode 6: Your Business Needs a “Power Hour
Shure MV7 Mic (What I use for the podcast currently)
Logitech Blue Yeti Mic (I’ve used this for podcasting and courses)
Connect with Joy:
Instagram: instagram.com/joyymichelle
Youtube: youtube.com/channel/UC-Ou6jRKxcjMrVMxWxLO_fQ
Facebook: facebook.com/joymichellephotography
Coach with Joy: joymichelle.co/coaching
If you decide to use any of the links above and buy through them, I’ll receive a small commission back. All of those affiliate income commissions really add up over time and help generate revenue to help support this podcast.

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