Is Content Marketing Worth It? Here’s What They Don’t Tell You

Is content marketing worth it? We’re told by all of the marketing gurus that content marketing is the most valuable way to get more visibility on your brand. As a content creator, I can say that content marketing works, but today I want to share what those experts aren’t telling you about content marketing—to help you get beyond the hard days where you want to quit.

Called to Both is brought to you by Joy Michelle, mom of two and multi-passionate entrepreneur who’s on a mission to help others find balance between the worlds of motherhood and business. Called to Both is the podcast for women who have big business ambitions and also want to be intentional and present moms. At Called to Both, we truly don’t believe you have to choose between these two worlds tugging at your heart You can be Called to Both.

You can stay up to date with the Called to Both Podcast by subscribing on Apple Podcast App, Spotify, or your favorite podcast player!

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a slower process that works well for a long-game marketing plan. While this isn’t exciting news by any means, you need to know that no content marketer finds success overnight. My Youtube channel didn’t grow overnight, but the content I’ve created continues to work for me over a long time.

Regardless of whether or not you show up to work, your content can be working for you behind the scenes, educating people on your services or products, and turning cold leads into inquiries.

What to Determine Before You Implement Content Marketing Into Your Strategy

While I’m a fan of content marketing, I know just how much goes into it, which is why you have a few considerations to review before you take the leap into it:

  1. Choose your medium with intention for what you can handle and what your audience wants.
  2. Commit to a schedule of publishing your content—consistency is key in your content creation.
  3. Grow an email list right alongside your content—people aren’t following you closely so having an email list allows you to keep in touch with them so much more easily.
  4. If you’re short on time, consider putting your efforts into creating solid evergreen content. Long-form evergreen content has a longer life-span than trendy, timely social media content.
  5. Tell people about the content you’re creating.
  6. Your excitement and energy behind the content you create really matters.

Tip: Two reasons your content may not be working are that you weren’t consistent in creating it or that your medium didn’t fit the audience.

If you need help in deciding what platform will work best or how you can implement content marketing into your brand, let’s work together in my coaching intensive.

If you’re enjoying the content we’re creating on the podcast and want to connect with others who are called to both, make sure you come join us in the Called to Both Facebook Group!

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