Beginner Photography Business Tips: What I Would Do Today if I Was Starting Over

What a ride entrepreneurship can be! It’s easy to look back and say “this didn’t work, I shouldn’t have done that” but it’s much harder when you’re in the moment to see the mistakes.

Which is why I want to shed some light on the things that worked in my business and what didn’t, as well as what is working RIGHT NOW for my students when it comes to growing a successful photography business.

If you’re new here, I’m Joy and I help Photographers like you become confident in their business so they can build a business AND life they love. I run a community called Photoboss and I’d love to have you join. Click here to join.

I’ve been a small business owner and photographer since 2013 so I could tell you some stories! But today I want to share some photography business tips, talk about the things I think helped me grow, what wasted my time and money, and what is worth looking at today.

Some things that helped me A LOT when growing my photography business:

Styled Shoots

Styled shoots are a great way to build your portfolio to showcase your work and show potential clients what you are capable of! I did a whole video series on how to plan a styled shoot and how to get the most out of it! View the series HERE.

Consistently Creating Content

Adopting the mentality of being a content creator just as much as I was a photographer. It could be content in the form of Instagram posts, showing up on Reels, sending newsletters, etc., but this will look different for every business owner!

Mentorship and Coaching

Finding a mentor and coach was extremely beneficial! It is important not to find someone who is a right fit for you! Personally I looked for a coach that had the business model AND personal life looked the way I wanted mine to look.

I offer coaching if you’re interested, I would love to be that person for you! To learn about the coaching programs I offer, click HERE.

Getting Featured or Published

It is important to be featured where your ideal client is! So think if the publications they will be reading such as local publications. This helped elevate my brand and was well worth the time to submit!

Not sure where to start? Don’t worry, I have a video to walk you through! Click HERE to watch.

Some things that didn’t help me…

  1. Paying for a Magazine Ad
  2. Paying for Ad Placements in Blog Sidebars
  3. Boosting Posts on FB

Things I see working for my students and what I would do today if I was just starting out:

Email Marketing as a Photographer

This has been a great tactic in 2022 and I don’t think it’s going anywhere! I have a whole video diving into this topic. Check it out HERE.

Deliver More Than Just Digital Files

Focus on tangible goods; albums, print boxes, wall art, etc.!

Diversification of Income Streams

I used to believe I could only do one thing. Now I think theres a shift and you need to be setting up some other options so you can take the pressure off when seasons are slow. Grab my Affiliate Marketing Jumpstart Guide.

Embracing Video in Marketing

The internet and social media prefers video and it’s way more likely to get views. Showing up on video in some way will be beneficial!

Surround Yourself with High-Level Entrepreneurs

Join a community – do not do this alone! There is stagnation in isolation. Find other photographers who get it, and can encourage you, find a mentor or coach , attend educational workshops.

If you don’t know where to start Join Photoboss Facebook Group!

If you’re in those beginning stages of setting up your photography business I want to invite you to join Hobby to Pro Toolkit, which has all my email templates, workflows and guides for running a successful photography business without the overwhelm.

Are you caught right now in the cycle of doing free sessions or discount photography sessions? I have a video you need to see! I’m sharing 4 simple yet effective steps for growing OUT of the free/discount shoot phase and grow your confidence and business as a photographer. I’m giving you the steps for how to stop shooting for free and get paid for your skills.

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joy Michelle holding a camera above the blog title, Beginner Photography Business Tips



The experience you create for your photography clients has the ability to help you stand out, get booked, and STAY booked solid. Join me for this 21 min class to hear my 3 secrets!

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