What to do in the off season as a wedding photographer

what to do in the off season as a wedding photographer

The off season as a wedding photographer can be a little daunting, but I want to share with you ways that you can GROW your business, market to your ideal client, and really make the most of your off season as a wedding photographer. Depending on where you live in the world, your off season may come at a different time than mine, but it’s likely you will still have one. Even though it sounds like I would be sitting around watching Netflix, my off season is one of my busiest times. While I’m not photographing as many weddings, I am educating myself and working on the business end of things.

The first thing I do when weddings start to lighten up is shift my focus to marketing. I do this by going back and blogging shoots I may not have had time to post when it was the busy wedding season. To really maximize my time blogging these weddings/sessions, I’m sure to tag vendors I worked with and share the blog post with them so that there is potential for them to share the post.

Another area I focus on is planning my next 6 months. I like to take a full day or two when possible to really dive into this and focus on what worked the previous months and what did not. When I’m planning my calendar, I think about what promotions I have coming up, events I will be busy with, or areas that need more bookings. From there, I will know what needs more or less of my attention.

The next thing I do is update my website. Phew! This one is a biggie. I’m sure I don’t do this enough but it’s so important to be showcasing your very best and updated work. I update my wedding portfolio page and my publications page with any new features. The good thing is, if you are going back and blogging and showcasing your work, it shouldn’t be too hard to also gather those images for the portfolio update as well.

The rest of my off season tips are in this video all about what to do in the off season as a wedding photographer over on my youtube channel.



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