3 Keys to Building Your Business Confidence and Feeling like a Boss

Do you feel like a boss in your business? While you may hold that title, sometimes it feels like you’re anything but a boss, right? When I think about a boss, I think about a confident leader of a group, a visionary, a creative director, a person with answers, or someone who is always there the lend a helping hand. Most importantly, I think of someone who embodies the word confident. In today’s episode, I’m talking about building confidence in your business, stepping into that role of really feeling like the boss of your business, and some key areas to cultivate confidence in your business

Called to Both is brought to you by Joy Michelle, mom of two and multi-passionate entrepreneur who’s on a mission to help others find balance between the worlds of motherhood and business. Called to Both is the podcast for women who have big business ambitions and also want to be intentional and present moms. At Called to Both, we truly don’t believe you have to choose between these two worlds tugging at your heart You can be Called to Both.

You can stay up to date with the Called to Both Podcast by subscribing on Apple Podcast App, Spotify, or your favorite podcast player!

Today’s episode is brought to you by my free resource, The Brand Authority Blueprint! If you are ready to become seen as the go to expert in your field, and you want to build authority and credibility behind your name, then you’re going to love this guide. It has actionable advice on becoming an in-demand brand and decide what you want to be know and remembered for.

Being a Boss in Your Business

Over the past year or so especially, I have really leaned into the concept of owning this role as the boss in my business. While it’s easy to call ourselves the CEO or boss of our own business, I think there are 3 distinct areas that are closely linked to your ability to step fully into the role of boss and hold that title with confidence.

As ambitious moms we need to build confidence around and step fully into these three areas as we become the boss in our business.

Area 1: Money

The first area is money—how you feel about the money you are making or the money you want to make is going to affect the decisions you make everyday in your business. Money mindset, budgeting, feelings around money and pricing, these all carry into the work you do and how you show up in your business.

I’ve really been diving into money for myself and my business. The more I work on this area, the more confidence I find in myself when it comes to money. I’ve been focusing on overcoming limiting beliefs—many of which you likely have dealt with too. Here are a few limiting beliefs I encourage you to overcome:

  • I can’t make great money as an artist
  • I’m just not good with numbers
  • I’m not in it for the money

Resources around money:

Area 2: Your Ability to Bring in Clients and Market Effectively

Are you attracting clients to your business? I know for certain that this is by far the biggest reason my clients come to me. They want to attract clients more regularly and find ways to market organically so that they can book out their services every single month.

In order to do this, you need to have a solid, attractive marketing plan. To kick off, here are a few marketing tips to building an attractive brand:

  1. Build visibility & engagement through generous marketing with an organic content marketing strategy.
  2. Show up with video in your marketing approach.

If you are looking for an audit and strategic marketing plan, reach out to me about a strategy session for your business.

Resources around attracting & marketing:

Area 3: Expert Status and Building Authority

Your brand authority and visibility is something you can be strategically working towards each day in your business. Authority takes time to build, but it is worth it—not only from the client perspective and being seen as more credible and as an expert, but you will grow in your confidence too.

Resources around attracting & marketing:

When you begin building confidence in these three areas, everything will shift! I can’t wait for you to step into the role of boss in your business! As you grow in this journey, I also believe the next steps of setting up systems and tools in your business are just as important.

If you’re enjoying the content we’re creating on the podcast and want to connect with others who are called to both, make sure you come join us in the Called to Both Facebook Group!

Mentioned in This Episode:

Episode 24: Master Your Business Finances & Money Mindset with Val Duvick

Overcoming Underearning

You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth Jen Sincero

Profit First

Episode 21: Get More Visibility on Your Content with this One Shift

Episode 11: 3 Tips for Creating Video in Your Business as a Busy Entrepreneur

Episode 36: How to Become the Go-To Expert at What You Do [Brand Authority Series Pt 1]

Episode 37: Your Brand Messaging [Brand Authority Series Pt 2]

Episode 38: What Your Visual Brand is Telling Your Audience [Brand Authority Series Pt 3]

The Brand Authority Blueprint

My Resources

Connect with Joy:

Instagram: instagram.com/joyymichelle

Youtube: youtube.com/channel/UC-Ou6jRKxcjMrVMxWxLO_fQ

Facebook: facebook.com/joymichellephotography

If you decide to use any of the links above and buy through them, I’ll receive a small commission back. All of those affiliate income commissions really add up over time and help generate revenue to help support this podcast.

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