What to Do When the People Closest to You Don’t Support Your Business

Support from those closet to you is something we all long for in our businesses, but unfortunately that’s not always the case. Whether it’s unpleasant remarks, disrespect towards your business, or even just an obvious lack of support, coming from your loved ones hurts a little deeper. In today’s episode, I’m sharing what you can do when that happens to you.

Called to Both is brought to you by Joy Michelle, mom of two and multi-passionate entrepreneur who’s on a mission to help others find balance between the worlds of motherhood and business. Called to Both is the podcast for women who have big business ambitions and also want to be intentional and present moms. At Called to Both, we truly don’t believe you have to choose between these two worlds tugging at your heart You can be Called to Both.

You can stay up to date with the Called to Both Podcast by subscribing on Apple Podcast App, Spotify, or your favorite podcast player!

Today’s episode is brought to you by Honeybook! HoneyBook is the client management software that I’ve been using for years to send contracts, get paid, and keep track of all of my client inquiries and projects. Inside of HoneyBook, I can see at a glance exactly where my projects are in a timeline! I love that I can use this for sending questionnaires, setting up recurring invoices, and book calls through their built in scheduler tool and so much more! You can try Honeybook for 50% off today with the link below!

What to Do When the People Closest to You Don’t Support Your Business

As a business owner, you expect a certain level of support or respect from those around you—or at least an acknowledgement for what you do. Sometimes, those closest to us are the last to support our businesses. Many entrepreneurs face this and there are a few reasons.

This lack of support can show up in a variety of ways:

  • Lack of emotional support
  • Not showing consideration
  • Implying that your job isn’t a real job
  • Pushing your business boundaries with personal interruptions
  • Treating your work like a hobby
  • No interest in your business because they don’t consider it a business
  • Not engaging on social media

Ultimately, you know who respects and supports you.

Establishing Yourself as a Business Owner to Your Loved Ones

When we’re first starting out, we have to establish our roles as a business owner to those closest to us, yet there is often a disconnect and lack of understanding when they don’t see the validity of the dream you’re going after. You took the leap, invested in yourself, and made big changes—you know that. They simply see a change from the outside and lack the understanding of how seriously you’re taking your role.

Mindset Shifts for YOU to Handle the Lack of Support

I personally have felt the lack of support in my own life regarding my business—through lack of interest and even disrespectful comments, but there are two things I’ve found that have helped me navigate the lack of support.

  1. Know their hesitation isn’t a reflection of your abilities, but rather about them. You can also replace hesitation with confusion or resistance. They have limited themselves and aren’t chasing a dream.
  2. Don’t base your confidence in them. Finding doubters and haters is easy, so keep them from your purpose.

Boundaries to Draw with Friends and Family

Now mindset shifts can set yourself up internally for success, but you also want to consider boundaries. The concept of not being supported allows you to easily set boundaries. Bridge the gap between your business and them:

  1. Look at the signals you’re already giving to those closest to you, how are you talking about your business, and how does that make them perceive it?
  2. The last people to see the professional version of you are your close friends and family. They don’t see you like your clients see you, so keep that in mind.
  3. Utilize “Do Not Disturb” on your phone.
  4. Ask for what you need by telling them how you would like to be supported.

Gaining Support from Your Spouse

Now one of the struggles that many new entrepreneurs experience with is getting support from their spouse, ie. getting them on board. I’ve found a few key things that have to happen in order for that support to come through:

  1. They need to see the money. This is another reason why I strongly advocate for my students and listeners to pay themselves regularly.
  2. Time needs to pass. Time allows things to be less emotional, but also grow.
  3. Telling them what support looks like to you—this helps them understand what you need.

It takes so much courage to put yourself out there, especially when others aren’t supporting you. Don’t wait for them, but rather find those people who will cheer you on.

If you’re enjoying the content we’re creating on the podcast and want to connect with others who are called to both, make sure you come join us in the Called to Both Facebook Group!

Mentioned in This Episode:

Boundaries in Your Business

Boundaries with Your Clients

Val Duvick’s Episode

Connect with Joy:

Instagram: instagram.com/joyymichelle

Youtube: youtube.com/channel/UC-Ou6jRKxcjMrVMxWxLO_fQ

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