An Inside Look at My Year-End Planning & Goal Setting Process As a Business Coach & Creative Business Owner

How do you end a year with intention? There is so much value in reflecting on what the last year brought you through a year end review. To help guide you through this process, in today’s conversation with my friend Laylee, I’m walking you through my exact year-end planning and goal setting process in what I like to call a CEO weekend.

This conversation originally took place on my friend Laylee Emadi’s podcast and I can’t wait for you to hear this episode.

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Year-End Planning & Goal Setting Process

While I’ve gone through multiple iterations of year-end planning and goal setting, I’ve found that it takes more than simply thinking up the things you want to achieve. Instead, it takes dedicated time and planning, which is why I opt for a CEO weekend when it’s time to plan and set goals.

What is a CEO Weekend?

A CEO weekend (or even just a CEO day) is a created as a way to focus on your work—what you’ve accomplished, what you want, and what you need in your business. Here are a few steps to get the most out of your CEO time:

  1. Set aside dedicated time for your CEO planning.
  2. Gather your data and information: profit and loss statements, goals from the year, survey data, and marketing metrics.
  3. Build an agenda of your planning time.

Three Phases of Your CEO Weekend for Goal Setting

During your CEO Planning day or weekend, you need to plan for a few phases:

  1. Review Phase
  2. Celebration Phase
  3. Goal Setting Phase

Tip: You can bring a friend along, but make sure you consider how you two work together and if you’ll actually get work done!

During your CEO Planning weekend, you could look at your potential revenue streams, services you offer, revenue by quarter—essentially getting a handle and understanding on your business. The ultimate key to planning is to consider your head vs. your heart. From your feelings to your time and dedication, what is life-giving and scalable for you as a business owner?

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