How To Plan For Your Best Year In Business Ever

Are you someone who intentionally sets aside time to plan for your next year of business? I’ve done this now for a years and it’s been so incredibly valuable! In today’s video, I want to walk through how you too can plan for your business and make it your BEST year ever! Before we dive in, make sure to grab your Creative Business Planning Guide HERE to follow along with as you watch this video and plan out your year ahead!

How To Plan For Your Best Year In Business Ever

Step 1: Review The Past Year

Step 1 is going to be about reviewing the past year. This is key because it’s going to give you valuable information about your business. You’ll get to see what worked and what didn’t.

Questions and prompts like:

  • “Some accomplishments I’m most proud of:”
  • “Where did I invest my time?:
  • “What did I do to educate myself this year?”
  • “What was my highest revenue month?”
  • “Which product or service brought in the most money?

Step 2: Profit Plan The Upcoming Year

Next, you will profit plan for the year ahead. As the business owner, you get to set your yearly revenue goal, as well as plan how you are going to get there. You will choose your focus social media platform and decide what you want to feel this time next year.

Step 3: Prepare Your Quarterly Plan

Finally, we tie it all together with a quarterly plan. I like to break my years down into quarters. I started doing this after reading The 12 Week Year and really like how it breaks up the year into manageable chunks. Each quarter I like to have a focus. Whether this is a launch to promote, a new product or program to develop, or just a theme to keep me on track.

Taking the time to plan for the year you want to have in your business is the single most important step you can take in making sure you are making the right daily actions that are going to move you closer to your goals.

Grab the guide HERE and feel free to take a photo of it and tag me @joyymichelle on Instagram.

Cheers to planning your best business year yet! Thanks so much for watching! 

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